How much do you know of what goes on in the world?

How much do you know of what goes on in the world?
1. The 1st man to urinate on the moon was Buzz Aldrin, shortly after stepping on the lunar surface
2. The Northern Leopard Frog swallows its prey using its eyes (it uses them to help push food down its s throat)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
3. The tiny parasite Toxoplasma gondii can only breed sexually when in the gut of a cat. To this end, when it infects rats, it changes their behavior to make them less scared of cats.
4. Everyone has a unique tongue print as in fingerprint
5. Powerful earthquakes can permanently shorten the Earth’s day length by altering the spin of the Earth’s axis. The 2011 Japan earthquake knocked 1.8 microseconds off our days. The 2004 Sumatra earthquake cost us around 6.8 microseconds.
6. In 2008, Scientists discovered a new species of bacteria and virus hair spray, Ladies, beware!
7. There is a glacier called a blood fall in Antartica that regularly pours out red liquid, making it look like the ice is bleeding.
8. The Romans used to clean and whiten their teeth with urine. Apparently, it works but please do not try it!
9. Casu Marzu is a Sardinian cheer that contains live maggots. The maggots can jump up to 5 inches out of the cheese while eating it, so, it is good to shield your eyes from it with your hand while eating



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