11 Wonderful Benefits of Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage


Well today we have more people living with HIV than we had in the time past due to information/vaccines. Abstinence will prevent you from communing such diseases/virus as this. Because in the case of marriage, tests are carried out before consummation but casual relationships are based on beliefs and one could have lied about their status.

2. Break Ups

It is easier to walk out of a relationship with no sexual interaction, than one which has; and that's very true, especially for the ladies .
My cousin once lost the guy she was supposed to marry, she cried for many nights but she moved on more quickly since there was nothing physical between them. So for the sake of a safe heart you might want to abstain.

3. Sampling

This one is more for the guys, once a guy starts having sex before marriage there's tendency he might want to test all waters before marriage,leading him to a dip abyss. My friend lost his virginity to his girlfriend last year, to cut the long story he's turned to something else since then.

4. Less Cases

You hear cases of rape and sexual abuses every day. If only these people where practicing abstinence,there would have certainly been a reduction of such cases.

5. Marriage complications/Divorce

The truth is those who held it till marriage are more likely to have less complicated marriage as opposed to their fellow contemporaries.
When there's abstinence there's trust because you believe if she isn't giving in to you;she certainly isn't giving it to someone else. Although a cheat is a cheat whether they are giving it to you or not; but genuine abstaining partners build much trust on fidelity with their spouse.
When one abstains before marriage he/she as no room to compare their partners sexual prowess with their ex's there by reducing sexual tension. "No man wants you to compare him with you ex no matter what" hence this does a lot of salvaging since you have no one to compare him to.

6. Draws you closer to God

Take it or leave it those who abstain are more likely to get closer to God. It doesn't make them better than you,but certainly helps them in their walk; Since they are hardly thinking about sex unlike you.

7. You save Money

Sounds silly right, but morning after pills and sexual preventives don't come in cheap especially flavoured condoms.

8. True Love

It is very easy to find your true love when there's no sexual relationship. Most times when sex is introduced in premarital relationships it clouds your judgement to be able to see things " the way they are" most especially for the ladies.

9. Prevents death

Most ladies die while trying to do an abortion, but abstinence will prevent such; also a lot of innocent babies that are killed and dumped into the bin, would have been saved.

10. Helps you focus

It's very easy to lose focus, any sexual activity takes thinking, preparation, planning and more and this can take up your valuable time. Trust me.

11. Make's you respectful

There are men out there that will respect this choice and help you through struggles.  It’s important to you, it’s important to God, you WILL find a man that will respect your boundaries and even become a rock in this battle.
You'll have a sense of dignity in you, no matter what your peers do or say to you and this will radiate around you and in-turn attracts respectable people to you back.


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