Essay Writing Competition Here's why this contest has failed to fulfil its purpose in Nigeria

Essay Writing Competition Here's why this contest has failed to fulfil its purpose in Nigeria

No people can make progress with the type of education we have in this country.
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NSE essay competition play NSE essay competition
(The Nigeria stock exchange)
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Essay competition, like every other competition, should be a platform inviting the individuals and the society at large to partake in the pursuit of excellence.

Also, it can be said to be an intended platform on which the creative abilities of students are revealed through writing.
But then the question immediately pops up, as to why are essay competitions and other academic related ones not given the same hype and attention as are given to others such as sports, talent hunting, reality t.v shows e.t.c?
Why the fervent commitment to that which does not contribute anything to the I.Q of the society, and a passive negligence to that which should be taken seriously?
Whatever the answer may be, which of course cannot be reasonable enough, is the reason why essay competitions no longer have that positive sway on the educational sector as it used to.
NSE essay competition winner play NSE essay competition winner
(The Nigerian Stock Exchange)

As a matter of fact, one can easily conclude upon observation that the majority of youth, which a great number of them are students, wishes to be the next rated music star.
And it is not their talent that is stopping them from thinking otherwise, but because they crave the fame and appreciation that comes with being one.
While it remains illogical to condemn the desire of another, reasoning also demands us to ask ourselves if our intended route will lead to new medical discoveries in the face of the pressing danger of diseases and child mortality.
Will it, in any way, improve the transportation sector by building bullet trains? Would it enhance the increase of agricultural produce through mechanized means and at the same time monitor the state of the environment?
The thing is, the problem we're facing as a people is not the problem at all; what should be of great concern to us, is the crippled state of our educational system.
No people can make progress with the type of education we have in this country.
Winner of essay competition rewarded with seven hundred thousand naira play Winner of essay competition rewarded with seven hundred thousand naira

Yes, we're quick to put the blame on the government for not providing enough funds to run the system, but what role are we playing as a people to keep our educational system from ruin?
If half the support given to television shows is bestowed on essays and other academic competitions, the educational system would have been on the benefiting side.
But as it now stands, it is almost impossible to see if the system is being influenced in any way, by the aforementioned competition.
Like I said, it is illogical to condemn the desire of another. So you should know I'm not calling for a downfall of this much loved and here to stay entertained.
What I am simply saying is that, if academics is been treated with the same energy and fervour by our nation stakeholders, if the millions spent on shows such as big brother Nigeria, Nigeria project fame, idols and similar types were spent on spelling bees, essay competitions, science competitions, and not the paltry sums and stipends put out as a reward, we would witness what I believe would be a special type of renaissance in our country.
In fact, more and more people will subject themselves to the grueling task of pursuing education.
Winner of big brother nija with a check of twenty five million play Winner of big brother nija with a check of twenty five million
(Yaba left online)

They would be inwardly spurred to press for better schools, to seek better teachers, the libraries would be filled again.
And when this happens, innovation will not only find oneness with our mind, our sense of reasoning will also be refined.
However, while we bask in the pride given to us by the long strides made in the entertainment industry, we must not fail to remind ourselves that we can shine brighter if our education takes its rightful place.
Because only then can we boast of quality doctors in large numbers, innovative engineers and architects, and sound statesmen and women.
In conclusion, we should bear in mind that the possibility of this change will come if we all contribute our support to essays and other academic competition.
Though the change will not be witnessed as soon as we start, but with time progress will be witnessed.


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